a) Name and address of the merchant, organization, or name and address of the individual's residence:
Office: VelaHub Building, 175 Phan Chu Trinh, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
b) Phone number, email address, or other online contact method:
Phone: 028.6656.7558
Support: cskh@vela.asia


"Service" - The services provided within the comprehensive Vela ecosystem under the domain www.vela.asia.

"Customer Content" - all information and data (including text, customer chats, staff chats, images, photos, videos, audio, and documents) or any other content in any medium or format provided by you or on your behalf related to your use of the Service, including information and data available in your Vela.asia Account, which may include information or data from Supported Platforms installed on your Vela Account.

"Website" - The electronic information page accessed at www.vela.asia.

"Account Owner" - The initial registrant; or the account administrator; or the person accessing the store account through the admin account.

"Admin Account" - The admin account created initially when the account owner registers a Vela User Store on the Vela.asia Website.

"Third Party" - Customers, partners, and suppliers of the store for which Vela service users are assured support/use.

"Store Data" - Electronic data stored in the store with restricted access through the account set up by the account owner.


These terms of use apply to the use of Vela.asia's products, the official version running on Vela's servers under the official domain www.vela.asia. Vela will maintain the electronic information page www.vela.asia and subdomains as a service provided to Vela.asia Users, including but not limited to individuals and organizations.

Vela.asia may change, modify these Terms of Use and publish them on the system as soon as they are approved. Vela.asia Users can view updated information at any time on the Website/Service. If Vela.asia Users continue to use the Service, it means they accept and explicitly agree to comply with the latest updated Terms of Use.

Any violation by Vela.asia Users of these terms and conditions may lead to the suspension or termination of the user's account, the service, or other permitted activities under Vela.asia's Terms of Service.


The use of Vela.asia Websites/Services by Vela.asia Users implies compliance with the terms, policies, and service usage agreements published on Vela.asia's Website/Service. In addition, when using specific Vela.asia Services, Users must comply with the specific terms and conditions applicable to each Service at the time.

If any terms of these Terms of Use become ineffective or unenforceable for any reason, it will only affect the specified expired term and will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining terms. In the event of any difference between these Terms of Use and other Vela.asia Service Usage Agreements, the latest provision shall prevail.

Vela.asia Users must ensure that their devices are in a networked state when accessing the latest business data.

Vela.asia Users must comply with the terms of the Apple App Store and Google Play regarding services, including usage rules.


Vela.asia provides services with features that support business management for Users, and therefore, Vela does not interfere and is not responsible for any content related to User business activities, such as: Users' customers, goods, quality of goods traded by Vela.asia Users. Vela.asia is not responsible for any complaints from Vela Users or third parties regarding the content of Vela.asia Users' business activities.

Vela.asia Users must be aware and must accept that they are responsible for using Vela.asia services in accordance with the current laws and cultural norms of Vietnam in the course of doing business with goods and services. Vela.asia Users are not allowed to use Vela's services to carry out actions that may affect the rights and legitimate interests of Vela.asia, the community, or the rights of any other entities, organizations, or individuals, such as promoting offensive content, anti-state activities, spam distribution, or sending unwanted information to other entities or individuals in any form, trading in goods prohibited by law...

Vela.asia has the full right to temporarily suspend or prevent the continued access of Users to the Vela.asia service system when there is a basis or suspicious signs that Users are in violation of the law, or there are reports or complaints from third parties regarding negative reflections on Vela.asia Users' business activities or any activities of Users when using Vela's Website/Service that Vela.asia deems capable of affecting the safety of Vela.asia, the legitimate rights and interests of the community, other organizations, or individuals.

In such cases, to continue using the service, Vela.asia has the right to request Users to provide information for verification and/or to fulfill commitments to continue using the service. In the case of serious incidents, Vela.asia has the full right to seek the intervention of competent state authorities, specialized functional units to ensure the legal rights and interests of Vela.asia as well as the community.


Vela.asia has the right to temporarily suspend or terminate the provision of services without refunding any fees to Users in the following cases:

a) Users use Vela.asia's software Website/Service for any purpose/form that violates Vietnamese law, especially regarding issues of software copyright, songs...

b) Users send, create links, or forward any data that is illegal, threatening, deceptive, hostile, misleading, defamatory, offensive, obscene, or in any way prohibited by Vietnamese law.

c) Users store or disseminate data that constitutes or encourages criminal activity, or data that infringes intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, design rights, copyrights or any other rights...), or infringes the rights of any individual.

d) Users use the website to disrupt another website.

e) Users use programs capable of blocking or paralyzing the system, such as resource depletion, overloading the processor and memory.

f) Users use their website or account to unlawfully access other websites or affect other Vela.asia Users.

g) Users are attacked by third parties, seriously affecting the Vela.asia system. In case of an attack, Vela.asia will temporarily suspend the user's website within the system, quarantine for processing, and return to normal operation after resolving the incident.

h) Users are found to be in violation by competent state authorities and must shut down their website.

i) Users fail to pay fees on time.

j) Users engage in activities that harm the reputation and brand of Vela.asia on public information media.

k) Cases mentioned in Section 5 of these Terms of Use regarding Legal Use.

l) Other cases provided by law.


a) Use of common areas:

Users understand and accept that they have the right to manage, operate, and use the common areas on Vela.asia's Website/Service at the sole discretion and consideration of Vela.asia. Any user requests to use the common areas on Vela.asia's Website/Service for their own purposes may be subject to additional fees in addition to the initially announced service fees.

b) Use of private areas:

Users have full control over the use of password-protected private areas for their activities. Vela.asia does not interfere and is not responsible for the user's actions affecting the data and information in private areas. Any requests arising from the use of private areas that are not included in the initial agreement may be subject to fees.

c) Access to private areas:

Users understand and accept that Vela.asia has the right to access a user's private area in the following cases:
When the user consents
When the user requests support for usage or issue resolution
In situations of urgency to prevent unauthorized intrusion or attacks from outside.
Users understand and accept that Vela.asia Users do not have the right to request access to Vela.asia's private areas, another user's private areas, the Service Administration, System, and Website/ Application Administration areas.


The Website/Services are copyrighted by Vela International Trading, Service and Investment Joint Stock Company.

Therefore, all content on the www.vela.asia Website is owned by Vela.asia. We allow Users to view, download, and print the following content:
Content that has been publicly disclosed on the Vela.asia Website.
Content related to the ownership of the user.
When using information on Vela.asia's Website/Service, Vela.asia Users need to cite the source from the Website in accordance with the regulations and only use it for non-profit purposes.

Apart from the permissions above, Users are not allowed to copy, modify, or reuse the Content of Vela.asia's Website/Service without prior written permission from Vela.asia. Users can contact cskh@vela.asia for assistance when there is a need to use the Content. In case of approval by Vela.asia, Users must ensure that their use of information obtained from the Website/Service does not violate the rights and interests of other individuals/organizations and must clearly cite the source from www.vela.asia.


Please see Vela.asia's Privacy Policy at the following address:


Vela.asia's Website/Service has and will continue to expand the excellence of its services, including the possibility of linking with third-party service providers (e-commerce platforms, transport providers, etc.).

When Users use services linked with third parties integrated into the software system... it means that Vela.asia Users understand and agree to comply with the general and specific terms and conditions for each service. The use of such linked services depends on the policies of the third party at any given time. When problems occur with third-party linked services, such as interruptions or terminations, Vela.asia will make every effort to assist Users for the best experience, but this does not imply any commitment by Vela.asia to be responsible for the issues that have occurred with this linked service.

When using services linked with third parties, Users understand and agree to the terms of use of the linked service and consent to share the necessary information and data for using the linked service. Vela.asia's Website/Service only shares information and data that Users have agreed to share and that is necessary for the third party to provide the linked service. Users are encouraged to refer to the terms of use of the linked service with the third party regarding the information and data shared when using the linked service.


Users are responsible for notifying Vela.asia immediately when they discover an incident and for actively cooperating with Vela.asia to resolve the issue for the benefit of the Users. In the case of incidents involving third parties, Users are responsible for cooperating with relevant parties to resolve the issue. Users understand and accept that, in all cases, Vela.asia always makes an effort to support and rectify issues; however, Vela.asia will not be held responsible for damages resulting from late notification or the concealment of incident information by Users.


After transferring service management details to users, Vela.asia is not responsible and does not guarantee the accuracy of user information on the Vela.asia software, website, and application. Additionally, Vela.asia is not legally responsible and will not provide compensation to users and third parties for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential damages, loss of profit, revenue, or reputation arising from the use of Vela.asia's products and services after they have been handed over to users.

Vela.asia ensures that it will not assume any responsibility or joint liability for the consequences of unauthorized access to Vela.asia's servers, Website/Service, user equipment, or user personal data due to accidents, illegal means, third-party equipment, and other reasons beyond Vela.asia's control.

As a condition of using the Website and this service, users agree that Vela.asia, its employees, member organizations, shareholders, agents, and suppliers of Vela.asia will not be responsible for any third party regarding damages to profit, business opportunities, or direct or indirect costs incurred by connecting to the Vela.asia Website/Service or using other services of Vela.asia.

Vela.asia will also not assume any responsibility or joint responsibility for the quality of products, services, or information from third-party websites/applications linked to the Vela.asia Website/Service. Furthermore, users understand that Vela.asia is not responsible and does not have the authority to confirm, certify information and the quality of services or products advertised on third-party websites/applications. Vela.asia recommends that users thoroughly research their partners before entering into any collaboration to avoid unforeseen damages. Vela.asia does not guarantee or assume responsibility for users' business outcomes after using its services.


The Vela.asia Website/Service and its associated features are provided on an "as is" basis. Vela.asia will not guarantee that our services will always be available, accessible, free from interruption, timely, or error-free due to incidents such as hackers, widespread Internet outages, etc. However, Vela.asia and its employees are committed to making every effort under all conditions to ensure that the Vela.asia Website and Service are always ready for use. Vela.asia commits to make an effort to resolve disruptions and make adjustments, repairs, and provide support within its capabilities to restore the system quickly.


Vela.asia Users can access and consult user manuals directly on the Vela.asia User Guide page. However, Vela.asia may not provide users with any printed user manuals. User manuals will be sent to Vela.asia Users via email confirmation immediately after successful account registration.


a) Methods for Receiving Inquiries and Complaints
For all contributions, inquiries, complaints, Vela.asia Users, please send them to Vela.asia using the following methods:
Send an email to: cskh@vela.asia
Customer advisory and support hotline: 028 6656 7558
Or contact directly with Vela.asia sales staff or customer service staff when users register for Vela.asia's services
Depending on the complexity of the complaint content, Vela.asia will have a corresponding processing time. The results of the complaint resolution will be notified to users. In some cases, Vela.asia may invite the complaining party for direct discussion if necessary. Vela.asia will make every effort to resolve user complaints as quickly as possible and with a spirit of negotiation, reconciliation, respect, and mutual benefit.

b) In the event of a dispute between a user and Vela.asia during use, both parties will engage in amicable negotiation. If the matter cannot be resolved through negotiation, it will be referred to the Economic Court for resolution.